• Dual 'data-toggle' Attribute Workaround with Twitter Bootstrap Components

    Many of Twitter Bootstrap’s JavaScript components rely on HTML data attributes for configuration or triggering. For example, the Modal component requires you set data-toggle="modal" on the element, usually a button, that will trigger the modal being displayed. This is all well and good until you want to have one HTML...

  • BarCamp Boston 9

    This past weekend was BarCamp Boston 9, two days of presentations, people, and pizza. I attended a number of interesting and informative talks including “How Not to Rails” by @grantovich, “Intro to the Boston Tech Scene” by @JayNeely, and a round of Lightning Talks led by @GrantCohoe. Listening to talks...

  • One Contribution Per Day

    At Constant Contact’s Engineers4Engineers conference this year, Kyle Simpson (@getify) gave a great talk about Asynchronous JavaScript. Aside from a better understanding of Promises, an interesting tidbit stuck with me. While he was introducing himself he showed a screenshot of his GitHub contributions that looked a lot like this: Kyle...

  • DigitalOcean vs. Webfaction

    I am currently debating switching web hosts from Webfaction to DigitalOcean. Both hosts are marketed towards “developers,” both are relatively cheap, and both have a number of services in common: one-click deploys, detailed web interfaces, online support documentation, and more. Despite the similarities, the two hosts each have their own...