The <!DOCTYPE html> tells the browser "Hey, I'm HTML5!"
The <html> tag wraps everything.
The <head> is where "metadata" and stylesheets go.
A<meta> tag is how you set metadata (encoding, etc).
The <title> tag is where you set the page title.
A <style> tag is where you add CSS.
A <link> tag is where how you include external CSS files.
The <body> is where all your page markup goes.
A <script> tag where you add JavaScript (or include external files).
Paragraph tags are for text, and create line breaks.
You can make text bold, italic, or underlined.
A hyperlink links to another webpage.
Row A, Col 1 | Row A, Col 2 | Row A, Col 3 |
Row B, Col 1 | Row B, Col 2 | Row B, Col 3 |
Row C, Col 1 | Row C, Col 2 | Row C, Col 3 |
Source: MDN